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How To Make The Most Out Of Your Vehicle Graphics

How To Make The Most Out Of Your Vehicle Graphics

Did you know that alongside digital ads and printed materials transportation graphics are still considered one of the most effective methods to gain brand awareness? Vehicle graphics are proven to have a great market response, be more cost-effective compared to other marketing methods, and reach consumers out and about while easily grabbing their attention.

What To Consider

For some home professionals, vehicle wraps will be their most effective form of advertising – but you have to do it correctly. Here are some things to consider:

  1. If you’re selling an aesthetic product (think landscaping, painting, home improvement, anywhere they’re selling a visual product) make sure you have a very high-quality image for the centerpiece of the vehicle wrap. It must be professionally done, very large, and of good composition. That is what will really catch people’s eyes. However, it must be professional and of high quality to be successful. A poor-quality image will hurt your brand since people have a threshold of quality in their minds already. National brands have an expectation of quality and consumers know when it’s not there. 
  2. Logos needs to have a presence. Keep them bright and strong, use reverse typography, and keep the web address printed large. You don’t need to use www. anymore. We’ve outgrown that era and it can waste space. Also, be sure to make the web address larger than the phone number. If the address has multiple words to it, apply color or shading so customers see the contrast to the words in the domain name.
  3. Consider cost savings by doing a partial wrap and buying a vehicle with a white or black base that will work best with your graphic elements. A white base will usually give you the most options. 
  4. Lastly, make sure your designer can apply the work to an actual picture of your vehicle so you can get a real feel for what the finished product will look like. Using programs like photoshop, designers can apply designs and photographs to vehicles to make sure it looks up to your standard. 


Overall, vehicle wraps are a great tool to use for marketing. When done right, they look great, are eye-catching to potential customers, and can last for five to seven years before needing updating making them very cost-effective. 


Choosing the right vehicle graphics vendor is essential to getting the results you deserve. HomePro Brands is proud to partner with AP Corp. Learn more about AP Corp and our partnership here. 

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